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Advanced Mill-Turn / Sliding Head

Get the Most Out of Your High-End Multi-Tasking CNC Machines!

Machine Simulation
STAR SR-38 Type B Machine Simulation in Multiple Viewports Mode

You either have a multi-spindle/multi-turret CNC machine, or you want one. SolidCAM is therefore the perfect solution for your present or future multi-tasking machining needs, with the ultimate in programming flexibility and configurability.

  • Program multi-turret and multi-spindle operations, with full turret synchronisation, then watch SolidCAM’s simulation of your material being machined in multiple stages, transferring from spindle to spindle without user intervention. In other words, stock is inserted at one end, complex finished parts come out the other!

Powerful CAD/CAM Software!

  • SolidCAM provides powerful programming tools that are easy-to-learn and use, covering the full range of 4/5-Axis Simultaneous Mill-Turn machines.

We Support ALL Mill-Turn CNCs

  • SolidCAM completely supports Sliding Head (Swiss-Type) Mill-Turn Machines including multi-channel synchronisation.
  • Our software easily handles tail stocks, steady rest, multiple spindles, rotary and linear turrets, along with multiple rotary and linear axes. In this high-collision potential environment, the programming of these machines is made simple and safe by utilising SolidCAM’s turning and milling operations right inside your CAD assembly.
Sliding Head
Sliding Head Explained

Short Cycle Times. Maximum Productivity!

Click for Brochure

“The extensive knowledge and local support that SolidCAM brings is invaluable, not only for the software but also the Post Processor writing. With complex Sliding Head Machines here at Trust Precision, being able to program these consistently and productively in a CAM system along with swift support when needed means that SolidCAM is a key part of our production process”. Steven Doyle, Trust Precision Engineering Ltd.

SolidCAM Mill-Turn
Fast Programming
Integrated CAM and Multi-Channel Synchronisation

Sliding Head Tool Changes.

SolidCAM UK Technology Centre Demonstrates Easy Programming for Optimised Cycle Times.

MTD CNC Technical Corner – Sliding Head (Swiss-Type)

Sliding Head machining of a Golf Marker!

SolidCAM UK’s Star SR-38 Type B.

Fasten your Seatbelts! Destination: SolidCAM, the Future in SolidCAM!

Integrated CAM

Best-in-class, complete CAM-Solution seamlessly integrated in SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor.

Ease of Use

Easy-To-Use and Fast Programming within modern Interface for Maximum Productivity.

System Requirements

Supports the most advanced Mill-Turn and Sliding Head Machines on the Market.

Optimise operations in Channel Synchronization Manager for Minimal Cycle Time.

Collision Control

Advanced Collision Control and Simulation showing complete Machine Kinematics and Tool Path Verification.


Reliable G-Code Generation supporting advanced Machine Control Cycles and advanced Output Structure.

SolidCAM Advanced Mill-Turn & Sliding Head (Swiss-Type) Solutions

SolidCAM Sliding Head (Swiss-Type) Solution for your High-End Multi-Tasking CNC

SolidCAM Advanced Mill-Turn on a Citizen D25 CNC

Use the Revolutionary, Unique & Patented iMachining Technology in Mill-Turn!

ALL SolidCAM milling and turning operations, including the powerful, revolutionary iMachining operations, are available for the programming of mill-turn machines. In addition, all ancillary devices can also be defined and taken into account for simulation and gouge checking.

iMachining halves cycle times and makes cutters last 5 times longer for mill-turn on Mazak.Jay Dixon, Dixons Surgical Instruments Ltd.

Time Savings

Channel Synchronisation

“SolidCAM has enabled us to get the time down on downtime! It’s allowed much more synergy going from one complex product to the next, more so if you have a complete new set-up on tooling. We need to make sure that from one set-up to the next that the downtime is as minimal as possible.” Shaun Palmer, Director, Oracle Precision Ltd.

Mill-Turn and Swiss-Type
  • Virtual Machine ID enables SolidCAM to support an unlimited number of parallel machining processes (channels) and to synchronise them, with easy and smart checking for logical collisions (impossible combination of operations). Furthermore, it makes possible flexible channel configuration and advanced Machining Pattern management.
  • Channel Synchronisation Manager is able to emulate multiple workpiece processes, with precise simulation of each stage in the Machine Simulation. Machine devices collision checking and optimization of machining time are done by a simple visual interface.
  • Support of many multi-tasking features, such as Balanced Rough, Parallel machining, Superimposition and Axes Synchronisation, enables the handling of most advanced multi-tasking CNC machines.
  • Machine Preview with full 3D machine model is designed to provide for the customer a clear visual picture of the process, at any programming stage, without running machine simulation.

“When you’re on SolidCAM, the machine can run, I can sit in the office; it can take me 2 days; it doesn’t matter, because the (Sliding Head) machine is still running. I can sit there, and have crash detection, full machine simulation; I can do different tooling etc. I want a 0.8 tool, (but) I then can decide I want a 0.4; I can quickly change it and we’re back in action!” Nathan Lloyd, Medical Products Manager, Oracle Precision Ltd.

Advanced Machine Simulation

The full machine simulation package can verify and simulate all turning, milling and MCO operations of the actual machine. It provides full collision detection between machine components, workpiece, fixtures, tools and holders. Visually prove-out the tool-path of your program before physically machining the part and maximize your productivity.

Mill-Turn Parts for Download

These demonstration parts are examples for you to see how easy it is to use each feature to create tool paths and simulations.

Mill-Turn Features

SolidCAM provides you a complete kinematic simulation package for Mill-Turn, featuring simulation of Turning and Milling operations for all CNC machine components and devices.


You can show real-time simulation using Feed data and the simulator provides full collision detection between machine components, workpieces, Fixtures and Tool Holders. You also have many display options for full control over every aspect of the simulation.


All cycles and movements of the machine components and auxiliary devices (e.g. tail stock, steady rest) are graphically displayed, providing you peace of mind and safety as the part is fully tested before reaching your costly machine tool.

This powerful function enables you to insert various control operations for taking full command of your CNC machine and activate different options and devices, for example: opening or closing fixtures, machine doors, activating coolants, rotating part, moving part from one table to another and synchronizing between axes. The MCO enables also to simulate the CNC operator actions e.g. transferring stock from table to another Table.

Setup and manage even your most complicated Mill-Turn machines, easily and effectively, by fully defining the CNC machine components and their kinematics. Machine axes are defined in machine ID by their direction, rotational speed (or linear feed) and physical limits.

Manage how your part is mounted on your CNC machine and create relationships between the part, fixtures and the machine table.

Easily define C-Axis machining by converting any 2.5D operation to C-Axis motion, which supports cutter compensation and short G-Code. Advanced coordinate sets include Split, Polar and Cartesian.

Easily control the transfer of parts between your main and sub spindle using ready made Machine Control Operations.

Automatically update and calculate the in-process rest material for your Mill-Turn operations both in Milling and Turning for huge time savings.


Use iMachining 2D & 3D for your Mill-Turn parts to drastically reduce your programming and cycle time. iMachining also gives you the very powerful advantage of exerting smaller cutting forces which eliminate vibrations and excessive tool wear, especially for workpieces held in a non-rigid holder.

SolidCAM UK are a Technical Member . . .  

. . . of the British Turned Parts and Machined Component Manufacturers Association.