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SolidCAM Subscription

Subcription - Your Software Update and Support Lifeline

SolidCAM Subscription
Subscription Brochure

SolidCAM Maintenance is the most cost effective way to maintain and maximise your long-term investment in SolidCAM software and services.

Power button

Latest Version Functionality

Stay current with the latest software updates and patches, carried out due to CNC machining advancement and feedback from our user community.

Ability to Add POWERFUL New Modules 

Ability to add new powerful modules that work only with the latest version. i.e. iMachining, Sliding Head etc.

Powerful Technical Support

Access to Telephone / Email / E-Support Hotline Service during office hours. 

  • Error diagnosis and tips for workarounds given
  • Example solutions given
  • Licensee updated on progress on support
  • Support Tickets closed once confirmed by licensee that support query is complete

Post Processor Support

With Post Processor maintenance your Post Processors become future-proofed.

Special Offers

Access to Limited Time Offers.

Detailed Training Documentation & Recordings

Access to ALL of our detailed Training Documentation, Professor and Webinar Recordings.

License Changes

Ability to change your license type i.e. from Standalone to Network, & license transfers.


Access to our Virtual Marketplace SolidMetal. 


The Unbelievable power of SolidCAM Ensures Customers Renew Subscription Every Year!

“The one-button-click, to calculate 3D roughing cutting paths was a revelation! With SolidCAM I am always using iMachining as much as I can! It’s simple! The iMachining module has saved us money!”, Dr Matthew Chamberlain CEng MIMechE MRAeS, CTR Developments Ltd

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“By using strategies such as iMachining, we have been able to produce parts faster and get more parts to the customer. SolidCAM has been a great fit for us with its versatility and reliability”, Tom Pedley, Head of Offline Programming, Olympus Engineering.